Nestled in the northwestern quadrant of Calgary, within the community of Montgomery alongside the picturesque Bow River, the neighbourhood consists of a diverse topography, complemented by an array of residential developments.
The project encompasses two distinct parcels of land: a rectangular lot with a proposed land-use redesignation to MU-1, and an irregular-shaped, currently vacant parcel situated across the lane, to be transformed into a functional surface parking lot to serve the upcoming building. The rectangular lot is planned for a mixed-use structure, featuring ground-level commercial spaces and affordable residential units above.
This development is committed to increasing both commercial and residential density on the site, all while keeping affordability at the forefront. Furthermore, it includes the provision of additional parking for supplementary amenities in the area, with the overarching goal of enriching and invigorating the community. These objectives are fully aligned with the vision laid out in The City of Calgary's "Main Streets" initiative.